Contention vs compression
Contention and compression are two different pressure systems that do not serve the same purpose. Some people confuse the two terms. What are the differences
Contention and compression are two different pressure systems that do not serve the same purpose. Some people confuse the two terms. What are the differences
The human body is a machine that functions via an extremely well organised system. In a previous article, we mentioned the role of the sural
The GMOVE-SUIT is based on active compression as a therapeutic method. This consists of applying pressure to the lower limbs. However, there is more to
The GMOVE-SUIT equipment consists of an air compression device, leg sleeves and a belt that is easily attached around your legs. Weighing less than a
It has been seen in recent months that the GMOVE-SUIT is more than just a piece of equipment for physiotherapists and athletes. The technology goes
Thanks to active compression, the GMOVE-SUIT offers a unique therapy. It allows compression of the lower limbs while maintaining mobility. With adjustable sleeves, a wide
Since its creation, GMOVE-SUIT has become a multidisciplinary tool. Its uses satisfy several needs in the orthopaedic, traumatological, sports, proprioceptive or relaxation fields. Thanks to
GMOVE-SUIT helps people with psychomotor disorders by supporting them in their movements. For more than a year now, we have been obtaining positive results with
Optimising muscle recovery is nowadays one of the main objectives in the search for performance or well-being. For a top athlete, an amateur or a
Being accompanied and supported by the GMOVE-SUIT during orthopedic or trauma rehabilitation sessions is a real plus for both patient and physiotherapist. Thanks to the
The heart is known to be the pump that drives the blood through the arteries of the entire human body. However, what are the factors
A year ago, we began studying the effects of using GMOVE-SUIT active compression on people with psychomotor disorders, including Elhers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Today, thanks to
Intermittent pneumatic pressure therapy has been around for many years and we all know the health benefits ofit. GMOVE-SUIT, an active compression device, has the
It has been several months now since we met the SED1+ association, with whom we are now collaborating. The aim of this association is to
GMOVE-SUIT offers assistance to people with disorders affecting the proprioceptive system by acting as a dynamic orthosis. Stroke can have physical consequences such as motor
GMOVE-SUIT is a state of mind that promotes the message nothing is impossible. In this article, we offer you an interview with an example of
Several months ago, we started to work on the use of GMOVE-SUIT in order to improve the daily lives of people with nervous system disorders.
Thanks to a compression/decompression action, GMOVE-SUIT is a device with a wide field of application. By regulating the pressure and using one of the three
To create energy, the cells of our body draw from our reserves, through a transformation process leading to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The
The GMOVE-SUIT can be used in different settings, such as rehabilitation, walking aid or for sports. It also a real interest in active recovery, which
Proprioception is an important concept defined as the perception of the position of different parts of the body in space. It can be at the
The “pneumatic exoskeleton” term has recently been used to refer to the action provided by the GMOVE-SUIT. This is the active compression system designed to
Exoskeletons are a way to regain walking and verticality for patients with psychomotor disorders. The goal is to help the patient with musculoskeletal disorders and/or
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, commonly known as EDS, is a grouping of several hereditary connective tissue diseases. To find out more about connective tissue and EDS,
Connective tissue is of vital importance for the human body. This tissue made up of fibres, provides support, binds together, and protects tissues and organs
The GMOVE-SUIT active compression allows each user to have equipment that can support him in different fields such as sport, rehabilitation, wellness or orthopaedics. The
GMOVE-SUIT has three programs that aim to work on different issues. Allowing applications in several fields such as rehabilitation, sport, well-being and neurology, active compression
The term Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) refers to a heterogeneous group of hereditary connective tissue diseases that includes several clinical forms. The international consortium lists 13
In the last few months we have been introducing the GMOVE-SUIT active compression and its programs that offer several solutions for muscle recovery, rehabilitation and
For several months now, our ambassadors have been carrying out tests with the GMOVE-SUIT. Discover their first feedback and feelings ! Johan Quintard, triathlete and
The GMOVE-SUIT active compression allows different uses: recovery, muscular re-education but also improvement of physical performance. Thanks to the compression system, there is also the
In addition to muscular work, tests were conducted on patients with various neurological or psychomotor disorders. Here again, the initial reactions were very positive and
CHOOSING THE PRESSURE OF THE GMOVE-SUIT GMOVE-SUIT is perfectly suited for blood flow controlling, depending on the patient’s condition and the morphology of his legs.
In rehabilitation, in addition to the usual benefits of pressotherapy (relieves blood circulation problems: legs feeling heavy, oedemas, and lymphedemas, etc.), the GMOVE-SUIT also offers
Whether active or passive, recovery always has the same goal: to improve the body’s ability to adapt after an effort. The best-known passive methods are
Daily life sometimes causes discomfort or even pain depending on your lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyle, constant stress and absence of movement are all a burden on
It’s a real revolution in the world of compression, GMOVE-SUIT provides a wide range of possible applications, as it does not block any joint, thus
GMOVE-SUIT is a revolution because it’s the first and only pressotherapy system used whilst being active. There are six characteristics that we selected to show
What is active compression ? Active compression is a treatment method that activates venous (stimulates blood exchanges) or lymphatic (stimulation of reflux) circulation during a
From Thursday, October 3 to Saturday, October 5, 2019, Reeduca will be the place to be for the world of reeducation and physiotherapy in Paris,
Early patient trials offered good feedback. G-Move Suit was tested on 3-4 different patients, corresponding to two profiles (post-operative and sporty). Regarding the post-operative on
All recovery techniques aim to compensate for the negative effects of the effort and thus help the athlete to regain his state of physical freshness.
After one (or more) big session where the muscles have been heavily stressed, active recovery allows it to be oxygenated and promote the elimination of
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