GMOVE-SUIT and strokes

GMOVE-SUIT offers assistance to people with disorders affecting the proprioceptive system by acting as a dynamic orthosis.

Stroke can have physical consequences such as motor disorders and muscle pain. As the number of strokes is constantly increasing, its management is becoming a real public health problem.

Cerebrovascular accident :

Stroke, or cerebral vascular accident, is a blood circulation failure that affects a more or less important region of the brain. It occurs when a blood vessel becomes blocked or ruptures.

The consequence is the death of nerve cells, which are deprived of oxygen and essential nutrients to their functions. The loss of these nerve cells will generate after-effects which, depending on the region of the brain affected and the inherent functions, will be more or less important.

The risk factors for a stroke are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity and poor lifestyle.

Post-stroke consequences include motor sequelae (hemiplegia), sensitivity and speech disorders, and muscle pain.

GMOVE-SUIT and hemiplegia :

Hemiplegia is the paralysis of one or more parts of the body on one side only (affecting a hemibody). In a stroke of the left side of the brain, this can cause right hemiplegia. This is a paralysis of the right upper limb and the right lower limb. Following this paralysis the patient will try to regain a certain degree of autonomy through specialized rehabilitation. The physiotherapist will accompany the patient in order to regain some use of the affected limb(s). The aim is also to recover a certain motor skills thanks to certain exercises for muscular strengthening, improving blood circulation and stabilisation.

GMOVE-SUIT and active compression can be used during proprioceptive re-education in order to help the patient regain mobility. Following our tests (Openings in neurological and psychomotor work, Part 2: EDS, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND PARKINSON) and our patients’ experiences we have found several benefits.

Restraint applied to the limbs and skin receptors helps to reinforce proprioceptive information . This limb compression will act on the patient’s stabilisation and dynamic balance. We have also observed a reduction in muscular pain, which is useful for rehabilitation exercises.

Today, there is no solution to “cure” hemiplegia. GMOVE-SUIT can intervene as a proprioceptive support in rehabilitation phases or in daily life. Thanks to these benefits, the patient can regain a certain quality of life with the return of certain sensations, his independence thanks to better mobility and pain relief.


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