
The benefits of active recovery

After one (or more) big session where the muscles have been heavily stressed, active recovery allows it to be oxygenated and promote the elimination of toxins. In addition, it allows our body not to remain inactive and to avoid the beginning of deconditioning, so that it can continue during the next training without the need for “stretching”. This is particularly interesting for those who take two days of break-up in a row during the week, or who only train once or twice a week.
In addition, it allows you to stay in motion and avoid the slack, as well as the moral drops that you often feel on days when you don’t train.

Don’t forget to stretch

After a bodybuilding session, in order to initiate metabolic recovery, it is interesting to work – in aerobics – the muscle groups that have been sollicitated. For example, after a leg day, 10 to 20 minutes of cycling at moderate intensity (30 to 50% of the VO2 max) are recommended to start evacuating toxins, avoid aches and recover faster. Before going to the shower, we will not skip a moment of calm, with some passive stretches, smoothly, in order to decrease the body temperature and catch your breath.
On days when you don’t train, you must not fall in unactivity, or neglect your diet : it would be counterproductive. You must continue to monitor your diet, hydration and have a minimum of physical activity, without seeking intensity or performance, because you have to give the muscles the necessary rest. The practices involved have few constraints and promote mobility/well-being.

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